Wilfred’s third season is coming to a close with only two episodes remaining, so naturally…
A beautiful, melancholy film that feels more like a work-in-progress than a complete story.
A solid mix of humor and terror, one of the most original and inspired horror films in a very long time.
Ultimately fails as a documentary but succeeds at giving fascinating glimpses into the yearly festival known as Burning Man.
An unfortunate attempt to ride the coattails of romance fantasy films that took the box office by storm in years past.
A seemingly ordinary young woman discovers a hidden world and an extraordinary destiny in The…
If you’re currently reading any of the Marvel Now! X-Titles and have somehow managed to…
Not quite as clever with its satire as the original, but still refreshingly crass, unapologetic and action packed.
Tonight marks the debut of SyFy’s new reality series Heroes of Cosplay, which follows a…
AMC’s Breaking Bad returns this weekend for eight more episode, and hot on its heels…
Quality original sci-fi that has some intelligence mixed with stimulating visuals, but brought down by thin characters and genre cliches.
American audiences probably haven’t heard much about the BBC’s new drama Broadchurch other than that Fox…
The film misses being something great, but is still worth a look, and the Blu-Ray is packed with fascinating in-depth special features.
Sons of Anarchy makes its much anticipated return to the airwaves on Tuesday, September 10th,…
The chemistry between the two leads elevates this otherwise decent film to one of the most pleasantly surprising and enjoyable flicks of the summer.