Nearly a decade after the third installment in the franchise, one might have assumed The Expendables had gone the way of the dinosaur, which would’ve been…
Browsing: sylvester stallone
Solar Opposites Season 3 is now streaming in its entirety on Hulu! After your trip back from Hululand you’ll obviously want to know everything about the…
Marvel is preparing to kick off one of their biggest years as a studio to date this week with the theatrical release of Guardians of the Galaxy…
It’s been nearly 40 years since we first met Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), the working-class boxer from Philadelphia who held his own against the world heavyweight…
Skip this one. The end product is absurd as the premise of its plot.
A film that knows exactly what it is, and never aspires to be anything more. Turn off your brain, let yourself enjoy it.