*SPOILERS* [pullquote_left]po·tage [poh-tahzh; French paw-tazh] noun [French, Cookery]. soup, especially any thick soup made with…
The striking visuals do not make up for a story that feels robotic and emotionless and focuses on a bizarre villain that feels like he belongs in some other anime.
To paraphrase the great John Hammond from Jurassic Park, SyFy “spared no expense” when putting…
*SPOILERS* Orphan Black may have found that stride that I was talking about in last…
*SPOILERS* Time Lord on a submarine! Not quite as catchy as Snakes on a Plane…
*MILD SPOILERS* After a strong premiere, Hannibal settles a bit more into the comfortable formula…
Now that’s more like it! Orphan Black took the extended setup of the premiere and…
This week Doctor Who returns to hard sci-fi (yes, that’s a Party Down reference) with…
Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead is one of the most iconic horror films of all…
Shockingly, relentlessly brutal and genuinely scary, this is quite possibly the best horror remake yet.
After the premature end of two critically acclaimed series (Wonderfalls and Pushing Daisies), as well…
This movie has next to zero redeemable qualities.
DirecTV is throwing its hat into the scripted original series ring with Rogue, the story…
Orphan Black is the new original series from BBC America that debuted alongside the return…
Doctor Who is back for the second half of Series 7, making its triumphant return…