Brent sits down with actor Jacob Pitts to discuss the 10-year anniversary of EUROTRIP, working with Steven Spielberg on THE PACIFIC, the upcoming final season of JUSTIFIED,…
Author: Brent Hankins
It’s always an interesting experiment to watch performers best known for their comedic work attempt something at the opposite end of the spectrum, and Kristen Wiig…
Your friendly neighborhood wallcrawler is back in theaters and once again finds himself trying to prove to audiences that his franchise reboot was not premature. Although I…
SuicideGirl, cosplayer, and alt model Vivid Vivka joins Brent at WonderCon 2014 for her very first podcast to discuss gaming, comic book movies, and living the…
While Tom Hardy is probably best known for his performance as criminal mastermind Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, his appearance in big summer blockbusters has not…
If your Internet travels have ever steered you toward the naughtier, sexier side of the cosplay community, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with the lovely…
Superhero films have become an integral part of pop culture, frequently topping box office charts and raking in billions of dollars for the studios. But despite…
WonderCon 2014 has come and gone, and just like other pop culture conventions, it was the perfect venue for cosplayers both amateur and professional to strut…
One of the biggest events at this year’s WonderCon was the world premiere of Son of Batman, the upcoming DC animated project inspired by Grant Morrison’s…
There was plenty to see at WonderCon 2014, but among the highlights was a sneak peek at TNT’s upcoming spy drama, Legends. The new series stars Sean…
Nearly 20 years after the release of Joel and Ethan Coen’s Fargo, FX is returning to small-town Minnesota for a new tale of murder and mystery.…
A Haunted House was far from a critical success – the film has a meager 10% rating on Rotten Tomatoes – but the low-budget horror parody…
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a film that I’ve had circled on my calendar for quite some time. I adored the footage shown at Comic-Con…
While many viewers would point to Boyd Crowder as the most charismatic criminal on Justified, there are plenty who would argue that Wynn Duffy is every…
After last year’s critically acclaimed thriller Prisoners, director Denis Villeneuve once again finds himself working alongside Jame Gyllenhaal for Enemy (although to be fair, this film was…
Big budget adaptations of popular young adult novels have become the latest trend in Hollywood, with each major studio hoping to create the next Twilight or…
After a long career in front of the camera, Jason Bateman makes his directorial debut this month with Bad Words, the story of a middle-aged loser…
As Chief Deputy US Marshal Art Mullen on FX’s hit drama Justified, veteran actor Nick Searcy often seems to have his hands full trying to keep…
FX’s hit drama Justified has seen its fair share of guest stars over the years, and this season is no exception, with veteran actor Michael Rapaport…
Have you ever looked around at your life and realized that it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would? Sure, everyone has, and while…
After their script for Better Living Through Chemistry wound up on the 2010 Black List, writers Geoff Moore and David Posamentier began assembling the pieces of…
Ever since the popularity of video games skyrocketed in the 1980s, Hollywood has been trying to cash in on the craze by bringing well-known franchises to…
Sadly and almost criminally overlooked during awards season, Out of the Furnace was one of my favorite films of 2013. Written and directed by Scott Cooper,…
This. Is. NOT! Sparta. But 300: Rise of an Empire makes a valiant, albeit unnecessary, attempt to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was the original…
Divergent is set to explode onto movie screens later this month, and the cast of the film has embarked on a massive promotional tour, bringing red…
From the opening scene, where a shadowy figure in an elegant white hat effortlessly fends off a group of opponents in the pouring rain, The Grandmaster…
Aside from producing top-notch original programming such as House of Cards and Orange is the New Black, Netflix is also the preferred destination for streaming instant…
When I watched the debut episode of FX’s The Americans last year, it didn’t quite grab me. I though the series was built on an interesting premise,…
While there are plenty of animated films involving time travel, Free Birds is the first (and quite possibly the last) to populate the adventure with anthropomorphic…
What happens when the director of the Resident Evil franchise teams up with the writing team that brought us Batman Forever? You get a film like…
In my original theatrical review of The Counselor, I called the film “a spectacular failure on almost every level” and “particularly disappointing considering the talent involved.” Needless…
Last fall, we had the pleasure of chatting with television veteran Donal Logue about his guest role in Sons of Anarchy, where he played a devious…
After being arrested at the end of Justified’s Season Four finale, Ava Crowder has spent this season languishing behind bars, charged with a murder she didn’t…
Hollywood’s ever-increasing propensity for remakes, reboots, and reimaginings has led to a cornucopia of mixed results, but for the most part, I tend to give new…