Failed attempts at social and political commentary detract from an otherwise hilarious film from comedy’s kings of stupidity.
Author: Brent Hankins
Jeremy Renner gives a charismatic performance in this spinoff that lacks the excitement and thrills of its predecessors.
A thrilling, exhilarating remake that turns out to be one of the year’s biggest surprises.
A clever spin on the Pygmalion myth about an artist falling in love with his creation, Ruby Sparks tells the story of Calvin, a struggling writer…
My first exposure to Batman was via repeats of the campy 1960s television series starring Adam West. I was probably only five or six years old…
A thrilling, epic conclusion to the saga, featuring the franchise’s best performances and a startlingly emotional final act.
After arriving in San Diego yesterday, we hit the floor at the San Diego Convention Center for preview night, which allowed us an advance look at…
The Nerd Repository team is headed to San Diego to cover Comic-Con 2012. We’ll be on-hand with photos, interviews, and live coverage of the hottest panels.…
Seth MacFarlane’s first live action film has flashes of brilliance, but not enough to light up the entire experience.
Plenty of enjoyable moments that don’t quite manage to assemble themselves into a cohesive package.
A poignant, darkly comedic, and tragically bittersweet tale of unlikely friendship in the face of certain doom.
A popcorn flick that aspires to be something more, offering plenty of campy fun but not much else.
An absurd parody of post-apocalyptic films centered around a ludicrous premise, with plenty of laughs for those that understand the joke.
A film about chasing dreams and finding love, packed with some of the most iconic and memorable songs of the 1980s.
A quirky, original comedy with a unique premise, full of charm and earnestness.
A film about a research team’s search for answers that provides very few answers of its own, making for a hollow and unfulfilling experience.
Much like the film itself, this Blu-Ray release is a mixed bag of excitement and disappointment, making for an enjoyable but flawed experience.
An adorably eccentric and heartfelt offering from the master of quirky, offbeat humor.
Paranormal Activity director Oren Peli is in a cozy suite at the Ritz Carlton in downtown Phoenix, talking animatedly about his latest project, Chernobyl Diaries. The…
The legend gets a stunning new rendition with a bleak and cheerless tale of cruelty and vengeance, anchored by an exquisitely wicked performance from Charlize Theron.
Jack Black gives a great performance in this absurdly dark comedy that also serves as a bizarre portrait of small-town America.
Astounding visual effects can’t save this bloated, messy film from a fatal combination of poor writing and emotionless performances.
A unique, multi-layered thriller that asks far more questions than it answers.
A darker spin on the home invasion thriller, and a breath of fresh air for the horror genre.
An enjoyable but flawed gothic comedy, elevated by a strong performance from Depp.
A masterpiece of popcorn cinema, an action-packed thrill ride on an epic scale.
A fresh approach to a familiar tale, with a smart mix of humor and heart.
Disturbing post-apocalyptic thriller The Divide follows a group of survivors trapped in a fallout shelter, and chronicles their loss of humanity as supplies become scarce. During…
A disturbing, uncomfortable film that explores the loss of humanity in sickeningly graphic detail.
A powerful, important film that is guaranteed to inspire a full range of emotions through its eye-opening look at bullying in American schools.
Bully, director Lee Hirsch’s riveting look at the effects of bullying in American schools, has already become one of the most talked-about films of the year,…
Drew Goddard has enjoyed a lengthy television writing career, with credits on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Alias, and a critically acclaimed run on Lost. After collaborating…
A unique, crowd-pleasing experience full of relatable characters and memorable songs.
It’s the first full day of the 12th Annual Phoenix Film Festival, and director Gary King is breathing a sigh of relief after his latest film,…